Monday, April 2, 2012

Snakes: yin fire

  • 1473
  • Nicolaus Copernicus †: Aquarius water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
  • Renaissance astronomer who first formulated heliocentricity. 2/19

Pope Urban VII †: Leo air Snake, yang fire & yin fire plus air.
229th Pope for only 13 days, died of malaria. 8/4

Christiaan Huygens †: Aries earth Snake, yang fire & yin fire + earth.
Dutch mathematician, astronomer, physicist & horologist: pendulum. 4/14

Nehemiah Grew †: Libra air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
Yin & yang airs: the father of plant physiology. 9/26

Giacomo Casanova †: Aries wood Snake, yang fire & yin fire + wood.
Wood-stimulated yin & yang fires. Italian adventurer, author, womanizer. 4/2

Thomas Paine †: Aquarius fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
British immigrant, one of the Founding Fathers of the US. 2/9

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe †: Virgo earth Snake, yin earth & yin fire + earth.
A 18-19th century German writer. 8/28

Richard Anthony Salisbury †: Taurus air Snake, yin earth & yin fire + air.
A controversial 16-17th century British botanist. 5/2

Pope Pius VIII †: Scorpio air Snake, yin water & yin fire plus air.
254th Pope. 11/20

William Harrison †: Aquarius water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
9th US President: died of pneumonia after only 32 days in office. 2/9

Aimé Bonpland †: Leo water Snake, yang fire & yin fire + water.
19th century French explorer & botanist of the New World. 8/29

Robert Brown †: Sagittarius water Snake, yang fire & yin fire + water.
Cellular Brownian motion & gymnosperms vs. angiosperms. 12/21

William Jackson Hooker †: Cancer wood Snake, yin water & yin fire + wood.
19th century botanist & first Director of Kew Gardens. 7/6

Thomas Nuttall †: Capricorn wood Snake, yin earth & yin fire + wood.
19th century English botanist who explored North America. 1/5/1786

Johannes Brahms †: Taurus water Snake, yin earth & yin fire + water.
German composer & pianist of classical music: Romantic period. 5/7

Benjamin Harrison †: Leo water Snake, yang fire & yin fire + water.
23rd US President. First president with electricity in the White House. 8/20

Pope Pius XI †: Gemini fire Snake, yang air & yin fire plus fire.
260th Pope. 5/31

William Taft †: Virgo fire Snake, yin earth & yin fire plus fire.
27th US President: Income taxes. 9/15

Eugène Dubois †: Aquarius fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
Dutch paleoanthropologist who discovered Java Man or Homo erectus. 1/28/1858

David Fairchild †: Aries earth Snake, yang fire & yin fire + earth.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. 4/7

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi †: Libra earth Snake, yang air & yin fire + earth.
Balanced & harmonious: fire, earth, AIR. Indian leader practicing non-violent civil disobedience against the English. 10/2


Pablo Picasso †: Scorpio air Snake, yin water & yin fire + air.

Pope John XXIII †: Sagittarius air Snake, yang fire & yin fire + air.
262nd Pope.

Franklin Roosevelt †: Aquarius air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
32nd US President. Only 3 term President. 1/30/1882

Edna Parker †: Aries water Snake, yang fire & yin fire + water.
Yin & yang fires: American supercentenarian, 115 years old, died in 2008. 4/20

Mae West †: Leo water Snake, yang fire & yin fire + water.
Sex symbol: "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?" 8/17

Joan Crawford †: Aries wood Snake, yang fire & yin fire + wood.
American actress: film, television & theatre. 3/23

Greta Garbo †: Virgo wood Snake, yin earth & yin fire + wood.
The original Swedish super-model with wood & mutable earth: hot-damn Snake! 9/18

G. Ledyard Stebbins †: Capricorn wood Snake, yin earth & yin fire + wood.
20th century botanist: "Variation & Evolution in Plants". 1/6/1906

Louis Zamperini: Aquarius fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
NY Italian, track star, Olympian, Lieutenant, 47 days adrift, POW. 1/26

Zsa Zsa Gabor: Aquarius fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
A Jew turned Catholic, married nine times: a snake shedding it's skin. 2/6

Harry Coover †: Pisces fire Snake, yin water & yin fire + fire.
Inventor of super glue. 3/6

Ella Fitzgerald †: Taurus fire Snake, yin earth & yin fire + fire.
American singer: "First Lady of Song". 4/25

John Kennedy †: Gemini fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
35th US President: assassinated. 5/29

James Wall †: Sagittarius fire Snake, yang fire & yin fire + fire.
Mr. Baxter on Captian Kangaroo. 12/12

Gamal Abdel Nasser †: Capricorn fire Snake, yin earth & yin fire + fire.
2nd President of Egypt. Like Sadat, he was very down to earth. 1/15/1918

Albert Ernest Radford †: Aquarius fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
American botanist: Manual Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. 1/25/1918

Nusrat Bhutto †: Aries earth Snake, yang fire & yin fire + earth.
Mother of Benazir Bhutto. She suffered from cancer & Alzheimer's. 3/23

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis †: Leo earth Snake, yang fire & yin fire + earth.
Two Snakes with JFK. 7/28

Yasser Arafat †: Virgo earth Snake, yin earth & yin fire + earth.
Palestinian politician: PLO. 8/24

David S. Broder †: Virgo earth Snake, yin earth & yin fire + earth.
Washington Post journalist, author, TV pundit: Meet the Press. 9/11

Barbara Walters: Libra earth Snake, yang air & yin fire + earth.
American journalist. 9/25

Grace Kelly †: Scorpio earth Snake, yin water & yin fire + earth.
Married Rainier III, to be Her Serene Highness The Princess of Monaco. 11/12

Norio Ohga †: Aquarius earth Snake, yang air & yin fire + earth.
Took over Sony & revolutionized the CD. 1/29/1930

Dick Cheney: Aquarius air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
He is a cold-blooded reptile without a pulse: The King of the Holy War. 1/30

Nick Nolte: Aquarius air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
American actor. 2/8

Kim Jong-il : Aquarius air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
The "Supreme Leader" of North Korea is an albino ball python. Dick Chaney's astrological twin. 2/16

John Malone: Pisces air Snake, yin water & yin fire + air.
American Philanthropist: owns over 2 million acres of land. 3/7

Richard Holbrooke †: Taurus air Snake, yin earth & yin fire + air.
American diplomat: Taurus harmonized the air Snake. 4/24

Bob Dylan: Gemini air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
Balanced mentality with mutable air energy of changing wise philosophy. 5/24

Marv Albert: Gemini air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
Yin & yang airs. 6/12

Martha Stewart: Leo air Snake, yang fire & yin fire + air.
Her Polish parents taught her how to cook & garden. Classic Leo-Snake. 8/3

Jeremiah Wright: Virgo air Snake, yin earth & yin fire + air.
Pastor at a megachurch in Chicago: "black church is different". 9/22

Jesse Jackson: Libra air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
Yin & yang air: racial politics. 10/8

Paul Simon: Libra air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
Balanced air. Simon & Garfunkel. 10/13

Art Garfunkel: Scorpio air Snake, yin water & yin fire + air.
Split from Simon in 1970. 11/5

Stephen Hawking: Capricorn air Snake, yin earth & yin fire + air.
fire>earth>air: the Snake is a wise philosopher. 1/8/1942

Muhammad Ali: Capricorn air Snake, yin earth & yin fire + air.
The Greatest was a Snake with a record of 56 & 5. 1/17/1942

Barry Diller: Aquarius air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
Married to Diane von Fürstenberg. 2/2/1942

Carole King: Aquarius air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
Balanced air. 2/9/1942

Peter Tork: Aquarius air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
American bass guitarist for the Monkees. 2/13/1942

Conrad Murray: Aquarius water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
Guilty of involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson! 2/19

Isabelle Huppert: Pisces water Snake, yin water & yin fire + water.
French actress. 3/16

Eddie Long: Taurus water Snake, yin earth & yin fire + water.
The Bishop has closeted obsessions, and is fetishistic with transvestism. 5/12

David Berkowitz: Gemini water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
The mutable air of Gemini: Son of Sam. Now, a born again Christian. 6/1

John Edwards: Gemini water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
Both of his signs are philanderers. 6/10

Malcolm Mortimore: Gemini water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
Gentle Giant drummer. 6/16

Benazir Bhutto †: Gemini water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
11th Prime Minister of Pakistan, assassinated in 2007 by al-Queda. 6/21

Cyndi Lauper: Cancer water Snake, yin water & yin fire + water.
Double yin water: singer & songwriter. 6/22

Claudio Gentile: Libra water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
Sicilian-Libyan soccer player for Italy: Fullback. 9/27

Drew Peterson: Capricorn water Snake, yin earth & yin fire + water.
His 4 wives just killed themselves. 1/5/1954

Howard Stern: Capricorn water Snake, yin earth & yin fire + water.
American television personality: an ugly Snake. 1/12/1954

Oprah Winfrey: Aquarius water Snake, yang air & yin fire + water.
Both signs are self make-over artists. She feels & she knows. 1/29/1954

Michael Dell: Pisces wood Snake, yin water & yin fire + wood.
Same energies as Jobs & Gates: water, wood, & fire, plus double yin. 2/23

Scott Thompson: Pisces wood Snake, yin water & yin fire + wood.
water, wood, fire: Carrot-top. 2/25

Piers Morgan: Aries wood Snake, yang fire & yin fire + wood.
Tabloid journalist, America's Got Talent & CNN talk show host. 3/30

Jon Cryer: Aries wood Snake, yang fire & yin fire + wood.
Alan is actually older than Charlie. 4/16

Ian Wright: Taurus wood Snake, yin earth & yin fire + wood.
Globe Trekker. 5/17

J. K. Rowling: Leo wood Snake, yang fire & yin fire + wood.
Wood-stimulated yin & yang fires: Harry Potter. 7/31

Charlie Sheen: Virgo wood Snake, yin earth & yin fire + wood.
Charlie Harper has yin wood, yet he makes up for it with mutable earth & shedible skin like a snake. 9/3

Bashar al-Assad: Virgo wood Snake, yin earth & yin fire + wood.
Lack of human rights, sponsor of terrorism, corruption. 9/11

Scottie Pippen: Libra wood Snake, yang air & yin fire + wood.
Small forward for the Bulls. 9/25

Roy Halladay: Taurus fire Snake, yin earth & yin fire + fire.
Double yin fire: strikeouts, no-hitters. 5/14

Melanie Lynskey: Taurus fire Snake, yin earth & yin fire + fire.
Rose of 2 & 1/2 Men with a ability to act like a Gemini. 5/16

Kanye West: Gemini fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
A mutable rapper: "George Bush doesn't care about black people." 6/8

Brock Lesnar: Cancer fire Snake, yin water & yin fire plus fire.
MMA heavyweight: Boa Constrictor. 7/12

Manu Ginóbili: Leo fire Snake, yang fire & yin fire + fire.
Triple fire: NBA creator. 7/28

Tom Brady: Leo fire Snake, yang fire & yin fire + fire.
Triple fire: NFL quarterback for the Patriots with 3 Superbowl wins. 8/3

Brandon Vera: Libra fire Snake, yang metal & yin fire plus fire.
MMA light heavyweight "The Truth". 10/10

Paul Pierce: Libra fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
NBA. 10/13

Marc Mezvinsky: Sagittarius fire Snake, yang fire & yin fire + fire.
The Snake is the Monkey's soul-mate; Chelsea's air/water vs. fire. 12/15

Karina Smirnoff: Capricorn fire Snake, yin earth & yin fire + fire.
Dancing with the Stars. 1/2/1978

Sheamus: Aquarius fire Snake, yang air & yin fire + fire.
WWE Irish wrestler. No wonder he has red hair. 1/28/1978

Stefano Langone: Pisces earth Snake, yin water & yin fire + earth.
American Idol. 2/27

Chris Brown: Taurus earth Snake, yin earth & yin fire + earth.
A Minotaur. 5/5

Chelsie Hightower: Cancer earth Snake, yin water & yin fire + earth.
Dancing with the Stars. 7/21

Daniel Radcliffe: Leo earth Snake, yang fire & yin fire + earth.
Harry Potter. Very similar to J. K. Rowling. 7/23

Joe Jonas: Leo earth Snake, yang fire & yin fire + earth.
Jonas Brothers. 8/15

Michelle Wie: Libra earth Snake, yang air & yin fire + earth.
Hot damn, she is attractive!! 10/11

Natasha Obama: Gemini air Snake, yang air & yin fire + air.
A good match for her father; air for Malia; Malia's earth for Sasha. 6/10

Christina-Taylor Green †: Virgo air Snake, yin earth & yin fire + air.
A beautiful Snake killed by an untreated psychopath. 9/11

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